Hosted by: Evelyn Einhaeuser

This podcast is for everyone who seeks to realize the Self and wants to know what it means to live from your unified nature. After your realization, your timeless essence informs life moment by moment, allowing more...

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#21: The fulfillment of your desires

How can you manifest from wisdom, how do assumed identities shape your realities, what is it you really want and how can you fulfill your desires already now? All and more in this episode. To discover your true Self:...
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#20: How to release the grip of the mind

Probably the most important meditation you can ever practice is the one in which you disidentify from the tales of the mind. Learn how it is done and the kind of battle that arises when the mind tempts you with your...
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#19: What beliefs have you crystallized as your 'body'?

For more: Muladhara. Being the Earth www.evelyneinhaeuser.com/oneness Connect: Website: www.evelyneinhaeuser.com Courses: www.evelyneinhaeuser.com/oneness Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/einhaeuserevelyn/...
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#18: How can you be love?

Discover the love of your Self now: www.evelyneinhaeuser.com/oneness
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#17: Being quiet with what is. A Meditation

To be quiet doesn't mean to be peaceful, and not even to sit down and be quiet. It means to be with that in you which is already quiet. As you allow your focus to turn from what appears to that which is quiet, you...
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#16: Release all Guilt and Shame. A Meditation

This meditation releases all forms of guilt and shame and its associated stories. It is the reclamation of your God Self and the understanding that nothing exists apart from you. By no longer carrying the burdens of...
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#15: Causeless Abundance. A Meditation

The only effort you will need to put in is the one of wanting to know yourself fully by stopping all thoughts for just this instant. In this one instant, it can reveal itself to you. Refamiliarize yourself again and...
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#14: The Power of the Witness

Teachings on Non-Duality and Oneness. For more of Evelyn's teachings: +Oneness Courses: www.evelyneinhaeuser.com/oneness  +Connect: Website: www.evelyneinhaeuser.com Instagram:...
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#13: Remembering Freedom

This meditation will strengthen the knowledge that 'you' can't really do it wrong and increase the trust in your God Self to figure it out for you. It results from knowing your Self as spacious awareness. Instead of...
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#12: Allowing Things to be Worked Out For You

As you remind yourself more often of who you are in truth and the awareness of you as the Seeing starts to dominate life's experiences, you can allow things to be worked out for you. Life knows why you came here and...
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#11: Expanding your Sense of Self: The Conglomerate of Being

Do you want to expand your sense of Self ? How can you calibrate more deliberately to a more truthful assumption of yourself that stems from the vastness of your Being? This podcast reminds you, that in the process of...
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#10: How to stay aware of awareness?

How can we stay more aware of awareness itself? Are you oscillating between being completely caught in the story of your life and moments of profound neutrality, quiet, and calmness? What can help you tremendously...
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