"Oneness is so much more than a concept or theory that we hope to live from; instead, the truth of it will slowly enter and then completely reshape your life until the only vision possible is the one coming from love".

Your divinity lies both in the reality of your formless nature as well as in your relative reflection as the one who creates form and gives meaning through your mind. 

Evelyn Einhaeuser is a realized spiritual teacher living in the United States. Her life and work reflect and remind you of the true nature and potentiality of your Self and Your unified presence. She serves as a mirror for what you already are, but have simply forgotten.

Life changes drastically once you realize your Self as spacious awareness. You will then recognize and experience that the typical themes that take up most of our common mindstreams are not you on an absolute level and that even on a relative level, most thought forms are not consciously chosen but are heavily conditioned and suggested by the collective mind. 




Self-realization is the discovery of yourself as beingness itself, independent of any thought, and it offers a deep-felt peace through the freedom from all appearances and everything that is suggested to you by your mind.

When more of the causeless dimension is recognized, love, joy, or fulfillment are no longer bound to objects but can arise spontaneously out of itself. 

Life can then be understood as happening by itself, moment by moment, and as deeply guided. You can let yourself go. There is an openness and constant awareness of all that is arising and a growing appreciation of the miracle of life.

Beingness is discovered as both empty and full, and oneness is experienced as the living reality of Self.

Evelyn's wish is for You to come into the immediate experience of the One True Self.


"I am not born, and yet I am birthed infinitely through you and I.

I am the unmanifest that is manifesting itself through your and my life.

My appearance and teachings serve as a reminder for you, yet I will never be able to adequately describe to you what you are in truth. You are meant to experience this unveiling yourself.

That's why you are here.

When all description is lost, will the mystery pull you in and show you your limitless and unified existence beyond all ideas or assumptions of the mind."



I'm ready to discover myself as the One

The teachings of enlightenment

Find what is more real in you than all intellectual ideas, and your seeking will finally turn into finding. 

You have come to my page because you are looking for someone to point you back to yourself, and you will be given practices, techniques, meditations, and pointers that help you transcend the mind. When you can stand apart from the mind, you can see with clarity the Self that exists before and beyond.

The teachings of my Oneness Series ® offer you a journey in linear time that allows an experiential understanding of your unified essence. In Oneness, duality collapses.

You will find your Self as the One in the Many and the Many in the One. This is the truth of your existence.

Welcome to my teachings and your true journey home. 

Evelyn's Oneness series ® is the first-ever nondual online course that offers you an experiential exploration of self-realization/ enlightenment. 

The complete series is based on Evelyn's direct realization and immediate experience of our true nature.

Ancient wisdom teachings from different traditions (Yoga, Advaita, Tantra, Avadhuta) are distilled and incorporated into the course as methods for understanding the mind and discovering one's unified Self.

Before her realization, Evelyn's life journey took her to India, where she lived for over four years and studied Yoga, Yogic philosophy, and the healing properties of Yoga in-depth. She has worked as a certified Viniyoga teacher, Viniyoga therapist, Vedic chant teacher, Yoga therapist mentor, and Yoga teacher trainer.

Start your Self-Discovery now